Students using TikTok to outsmart teachers remotely

Photo credit Mario Tama/Getty Images

Students are finding innovative ways to say 'see-ya' to remote online classes thanks to TikTok. A new tactic using the video-based social media platform is tricking teachers into thinking students are having technical issues. 

"It's another level of creativity, sort of 'I need a hall pass' when students get bored in the classroom. This is sort of the new version of that," cybersecurity strategist and CEO of Fortalice Solutions Theresa Payton told Bo Thompson on Wednesday. 

Students are going to TikTok to create videos of them having connection troubles and looping that into Zoom meetings. A growing trend across the nation which is somewhat clever on the students part.  

TikTok made headlines recently as the technology company Oracle was named its U.S. business partner. A deal to establish a "trusted technology provider," according to a statement by TikTok Monday. 

Here's the entire interview with Theresa Payton.