McCrory Calls Out Democratic Criticism of Soleimani's Death


When President Barack Obama announced the killing of the Osama Bin Laden, it was a red carpet affair.

One which was received by the nation and all political parties as a victory for justice.

Friday's killing of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, which was ordered by President Donald Trump has been recieved in a much different light.

Despite reports of Soleimani's leadership in the attack on the American Embassy in Baghdad, many in the Democratic party are not showing support for the President's decision.

Pat McCrory calls out Nancy Pelosi, specifically her remarks calling the President "reckless".

McCrory said "It almost sounded like we were listening to Iranina State TV speaking points on American TV."

He continued "It was as though the Democrats were doing the opposite of what their motto in recent campaigns has been of putting country first and politcs second."

"If they don't have anything positive to say, say nothing at all.  Wait until you get all the facts."